Todo Lists

Todo is key part of every EVENT. To hire building, rent a car, arrange an appointment and many, many other tasks. John is responsible for the entire agenda and Anne for managing catering. Now we have Josh working on lights and music and Beth responsible for invitations to gather all significant guests. All those people have to work together on one EVENT but also individually and simultaneously on their particular todos. To support all these things NET.Notes EVENTS allows adding new and maintaining existing todos, to specify responsible person, duedate, todo status and importance. One can attach task to the calendar and be informed by notification email about the deadline. 

Todos  –  short video overview: … coming soon

EVENT Statistics help us to see all todos in aggregated numbers. Information is available through Statistics panel covers ‘Event fulfilment’ ratio, but also the number of todos in progress, finished or behind the schedule. This way we have a quick EVENT overview that can simply help us to see, how things are going.


Todo details card is available in popup window in form of  the panel with several tabbed sections including following features:

  • basic information: subject, description, duedate, status, file or image attachments.
  • GTD: add todo item to particular GTD board and section to make it GTD enabled for further work
  • calendar: by specifying calendar date-time information we are adding this to-do item into calendar available through special calendar view and dashboard. Notification emails then help users to be informed just in time.
  • history – show us what happened with todo in the past


To-dos list is available in many formats:

  • sections help us to join similar to-dos together
  • common plain todo list allows us to search them quickly
  • we can maintain todos using GTD  like user interface (Get Things Done)
  • calendar view can help us to manage our schedules

User can filter his owns todos or see those from the others. To-dos background color highlightes their urgency based on duedate.
