NET.Notes EVENTS – Notifications

Quick and precise information is key for succesful Event organization. How do I get to know someone has created a new important todo for upcoming Event? What happened on the Event during my week long vacation?

Several information channels are available for users:

  • Timeline
    Timeline is perfect system overview available for each particular day. Is there any new todo created for the Event or did someone marked task as completed yesterday? Did anyone update the Event schedule within the last week? All these things are available on Timelne including precise timestamp and author name.


  • Email notifications
    Email notifications keep users up-to-date with the last changes on the Event. Users are receiving email notifications of 3 types:
      a)  timeline based notifications covering every day event updates …. sent weekly
      b) todos in progress for this week …. sent weekly
      c) calendar based notifications for scheduled todos …. sent daily
  • Discussion and notifications
    Discussion allows nice idea exchange among different users. Discussion is available for Event itself or particular todos. Email notifications are being sent after new comment submission.