NET.Notes – ACL or Access Control List

NET.Notes access rights are implemented at several levels:

  • for each user is defined, to which modules he has an access and at what level. Seleted modules are visible to the user  in the left navigation system.
  • by the logic of the module, users can have limited access to read documents. Documents that the user is not allowed to see are not shown in the view.
  • editing records is again driven by the logic of the module. If the user does not have access to edit the record, he gets a proper message.
  • combining access: entries are visible in the view, but user can not open them and read them.

    As part of NET.Notes we are using so called ‘roles’. Users with the specific roles is allowed to gain an access to some activities. The allocation of roles and access privileges in general is in charge of the system administrator.
