
Author Archives

  • NET.Notes EVENTS – Dashboard

    “NET.Notes EVENTS” workspace manages tabs user interface for convenient work. The very first tab contains Dashboard. Here we can see all significant information all together. The four basic panels are available here: EVENTS: active events with progress information, overall number of related todos and todos behind the schedule in red What is planed: calendar view displays […]

  • NET.Notes EVENTS – Budget

    Every todo item contains the tab titled as ‘Budget’.  User can optionally enter the budget type and price information here. Budget information from individual todos is displayed on EVENT page with subtotals and total value providing overall EVENT financial overview. Budget is also avilable in PDF export output.

  • NET.Notes EVENTS – Calendar

    Calendar helps users to organize their todos based on date and time. Simply assign the date and time to your todo and it will appear in the calendar. Calendar features available: views by day, weeks and months new todo can be created in calendar by one simple click drag and drop support for easy todo […]

  • NET.Notes EVENTS – GTD®

    GTD® (Getting Things Done® ) is a well-known methodology that helps us to group to-do items into particular sections / groups and then move to-dos forth and back based on their progress. Defined by GTD® methodology we can use the following basic sections (the section usage/naming depends completely on user and particular GTD® board can manage different sections […]

  • NET.Notes EVENTS – Overview

    “NET.Notes EVENTS” serves as a full featured software system that supports events organization of any kind … including sports, school, public or private events. The heart of “NET.Notes EVENTS” is the event card that concentrates all significant features including: sections – todo’s list is sorted out into sections. Sections reflect event logic and help us […]

  • Mailing – Easy event organizer in NET.Notes

    NEWS Events organizer Cool new feature in NET.Notes is an application for event organizing. Almost everybody organize some events in his work, school, local community and sometime it is quite difficult to manage all different things, especially when more people are involved and need to cooperate. But you can do it quite easily in NET.Notes. See […]

  • NET.Notes – Organizing your events

    Cool new feature in NET.Notes is an application for event organizing. Almost everybody organize some events in his work, school, local community and sometime it is quite difficult to manage all different things, especially when more people are involved and need to cooperate. But you can do it quite easily in NET.Notes. Just create new […]

  • NET.Notes – ACL or Access Control List

    NET.Notes access rights are implemented at several levels: for each user is defined, to which modules he has an access and at what level. Seleted modules are visible to the user  in the left navigation system. by the logic of the module, users can have limited access to read documents. Documents that the user is not allowed […]

  • NET.Notes – bookmark workspace

    Bookmark workspace is the basic part od NET.Notes.  Workspace has been updated recentely with new features: you can drag&drop bookmarks (screenshot below) bookmarks can be closed by click on mouse wheel, which is a standard in internet browser layout of the bookmarks is stored and NET.Notes opens it the same shape as it was closed. It even […]

  • NET.Notes – multilingual enviroment

    Recentely we’ve added multilingual features to NET.Notes. Just by one click you can switch your system to selected language. All forms, views and even some data are translated to new language. Teh most important thing is that NET.Notes is prepared for a translation to another language. We can prepare a translation by using automatic translation […]

  • NET.Notes – data filtering in views

    Documents in NET.Notes are displayed in the views, which are basic pillars of the system. To find proper information is not always easy in milions of documents, so dat filtering has to be easy as well as efficient. In NET.Notesu we are using for this Elasticsearch. This allows us to use very sofisticated method of searching. […]

  • NET.Notes – quick actions

    NET.Notes system as such and its individual modules contain functionality hidden beneath seemingly inconspicuous buttons. 1. On top menu you can find the dropdown button which allows you to quickly create some basic documents, like new company profile, activity, or send email. 2. In Contacts you can find a link to show up company address […]

  • NET.Notes – move your emails there

    The ‘Activities’ allows NET.Notes system to store communications within the company and with cutsomers. This includes both the records of meetings and phone calls, as well as records of electronic communication via e-mail. For this purpose, NET.Notes is using ‘Incoming emails’. The system uses communication via IMAP to display the user’s email messages. Initially, the user […]