Yearly Archives

  • NET.Notes – bookmark workspace

    Bookmark workspace is the basic part od NET.Notes.  Workspace has been updated recentely with new features: you can drag&drop bookmarks (screenshot below) bookmarks can be closed by click on mouse wheel, which is a standard in internet browser layout of the bookmarks is stored and NET.Notes opens it the same shape as it was closed. It even […]

  • NET.Notes – multilingual enviroment

    Recentely we’ve added multilingual features to NET.Notes. Just by one click you can switch your system to selected language. All forms, views and even some data are translated to new language. Teh most important thing is that NET.Notes is prepared for a translation to another language. We can prepare a translation by using automatic translation […]

  • NET.Notes – data filtering in views

    Documents in NET.Notes are displayed in the views, which are basic pillars of the system. To find proper information is not always easy in milions of documents, so dat filtering has to be easy as well as efficient. In NET.Notesu we are using for this Elasticsearch. This allows us to use very sofisticated method of searching. […]

  • NET.Notes – quick actions

    NET.Notes system as such and its individual modules contain functionality hidden beneath seemingly inconspicuous buttons. 1. On top menu you can find the dropdown button which allows you to quickly create some basic documents, like new company profile, activity, or send email. 2. In Contacts you can find a link to show up company address […]

  • NET.Notes – move your emails there

    The ‘Activities’ allows NET.Notes system to store communications within the company and with cutsomers. This includes both the records of meetings and phone calls, as well as records of electronic communication via e-mail. For this purpose, NET.Notes is using ‘Incoming emails’. The system uses communication via IMAP to display the user’s email messages. Initially, the user […]

  • NET.Notes – export do PDF a XLS

    MS Excel NET.Notes system can export your content to other formats. From the view you can export data to MS Excel for example, so you can use them in MS Office or LibreOffice. List of exported items corresponds to the selection criteria, which can be quite complex. You can export firms from London with revenue above a certain […]

  • NET.Notes – rich text editor

    You can format your text in NET.Notes by richtext editor. Common features are supported, such as style, size, color of the text etc. User has the option to insert into the text tables, images or attachments (files). Source format of the text is HTML so we can successfully convert formatted text from other systems as […]

  • NET.Notes: Typeahead search

    For the purposes of intelligent search NET.Notes uses a product called ElasticSearch . This is a very popular and fast full-text search engine that got many specialized features. We are trying to add as many as possible of them to NET.Notes to improve its functionality. During normal typing in the search box it can be […]