TO-DO are special activity, which are within the system of NET.Notes taken to separated left navigation. Tasks are activities that are expecte concrete solution to change it to “Complete”. Part of the day’s work is so user to watch what tasks awaits only for him for the right solution. Tasks are simply all not finished activities.
The list of tasks (activities)
The basic work tasks are supported by system based on Views that provide tools to quickly find the appropriate record in the database. The user can use to recognize it following:
- individual views, which are accessible from the left navigation. These ranks and grouped data in a predefined logic
- by using search tools
The view is also one of the places where it is possible to create a new activity or task
Tab task (activity)
Tab task is divided into individual tabs, in which information is divided into logical sections. Part of form is a button bar allowing active work with record.
- The basic information for a task include: thing, description, date and status of a task
- task may be included in a particular workspace and a section of the system GTD
- by assigning data in the Calendar this task will be available in calendar of user of NET.Notesu
- The ‘Export to PDF’ button in the task bar allows the Export to PDF form. Information from the card task, along with the company header displayed in a form suitable for sending e-mail or, for example, to be print