List of companies near to you (GEO search)

Searching in the contacts may be of various kinds according to the purpose you want to achieve. We look for companies based on their name, ID or other attributes. But what about the list of other companies sorted by distance from selected one on the map? For example, you visit your customer and you know that after visiting you still have some free time. It is an opportunity to visit another client, located nearby … How did you find them out as quickly as possible? In NET.Notes we search for data stored in the product ElasticSearch. In addition to a normal search it can work with so-called GEO data. For individual companies in the directory it has saved GPS coordinates of their headquarters. These are then added to each firm in ElasticSearch. It also allows, among other things, companies to be sorted by distance from visited company.

A list of nearby companiess include:

  • aerial distance in kilometers from a this company
  • link to the company name in the list will allow us to open the company card in the next tab
  • Google map icon allows us to navigate the route from the company A to company B, so that we can find it easily
